Thursday, June 15, 2006


"Without proper maintenance, anyone can get stuck with a monobrow, which is when two eyebrows join together in a holy union of oneness. While the monobrow is pretty much shunned in North America, in some cultures it is as sacred as a cow. No longer willing to cower in shame, monobrowed people from all over have created a union (of people, in addition to eyebrows) on the Internet." --CHECK IT OUT--

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Tomorrow, Katherine is going to be graduating from College after two years of hard work and late nights. I am very proud of her -- she gave up so much so that she could go back to school! It will all be worth it after she gets that special piece of paper tomorrow. If you have some time, take a minute and send Katherine a congratulatory e-mail. She can be reached at