Monday, February 13, 2006

This is weird

Not only do they talk that way, but they also write that way. This is a link to the Scottish parliamentary website. It's REAL!

I hope your afternoon is going great!

Here's my favoriite quote from the site. They are talking about what the Scottish parliament can do...: "Issues sic as defence, employment law, genetics, immigration, international affairs, pensions an social security is kent as reservit maitters an is dealt wi by the Unitit Kingdom Pairlament in London. The Scottish Pairlament can debate reservit maitters but canna mak laws on them."

Funny they didn't mention grammar, eh?

Friday, February 10, 2006

Another early morning post

Good morning everyone! It's about 5:30 on Friday morning, and I woke up about half an hour before the alarm clock. Instead of going to watch TV or read the newspaper, I figured I would post something here, as it's been a while since I've done that.

At the moment, we are all recovering from colds, but it looks like we should be okay for the weekend. I'm glad, because if the temperature co-operates, I'd like to take Jacob to Winterlude tomorrow -- hopefully I'll remember the camera.

Not a whole heck of a lot else is going on, to be honest. Things are very quiet.

Oh, that embarrassing video of Jacob seems to be very popular as there have been over 500 page views of the video since it was uploaded.

Well, that's it for now everyone. Have a wonderful day, and check back here early next week for video from the weekend!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Supoerbowl commercials

Even if you don't like football, everyone loves Superbowl commercials (right?). In case you missed them yesterday, Google Video has thoughtfully collected them here so that you can watch them at your leisure. Enjoy.

Friday, February 03, 2006

A blackmail video

Okay, so I'm sure that Jacob is going to be very embarrassed by this video if his future wife were to one day see it, but he probably won't even meet her for many years to come. So I'll have to save this for her for when we first meet. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jacinda and Hilary Duff

Last night was the Hilary Duff concert in Halifax. The picture below is of my neice Jacinda and Ms. Duff (who looks very different in person, I must say).

Wow Jacinda! You must have had a night that you'll remember for a long time to come!!!!