Monday, April 03, 2006

Another week, another Monday

Well, the weekend is over, and what a busy weekend it was. Saturday was spent helping out friends Steve and Janet move into their new home. It was actually very easy as most of the boxes had been moved throughout the week.

Sunday was a lazy day, really. We walked over to the local Tim Horton’s, and had a nice breakfast. Later on in the day, we raked up some leaves. It sounds very simple, but it was very nice, and we all had a good time.

I did a few hours of work late last night (always the procrastinator), and was up early to continue my work. Needless to say, I'm a bit tired at the moment -- I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

Well, until tomorrow (or later). Goodnight!!

PS: Next week at this time, Lee, Jen and the kids will be in Ottawa. They'll be visiting from beautiful Nova Scotia. The week after that, we'll be in Montreal staying at a four star hotel for $75, thanks to Priceline. Also that same week, Shelley, Chris, and their unborn baby will be visiting from busy Toronto.

pps: spell checker is not working again. I' not sure why as the cookies are enabled. Sorry.

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