Thursday, December 01, 2005

An answer to the question

Google comes to the rescue again! I have found an article that says exactly what is right and what is wrong about single vs. double spaces after a period. Having taken typing classes, I will probably continue to use a double space for the rest of my life. Likewise, having taken design classes, Katherine will probably continue to use a single space for the rest of hers? Can these two conflicting beliefs live in harmony with each other? Of course!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The debate will continue.
But I would like to say that my writing teacher, who is much older than you and has more experience in this, and used to be a JOURNALIST, says using two spaces after a period is the old way of doing things. It's not necessarily wrong persay, but it's outdated.

You are ancient in soul, my friend. You were born 57 years old.

And I still love you!