Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Still kickin'

Well, it's about 4:20 in the morning, and I'm at work. I've just rebooted one of my servers, and while I'm waiting for it to come back up, I figured I would post something quickly. The weekend was very nice. Saturday, as I've said, was action packed. Sunday was spent at Jason & Christine's house (my brother and sister in law) with my mom, and some family from Montreal (my aunt, uncle, and cousin). It was fantastic to see everyone -- it's been way too long. I always say this after I spend time with family (and unfortunately, it never happens), but we should do this again sooner rather than later.

Sunday was also Lee's (another brother) birthday. Jacob called him on the phone, and sung a wonderful rendition of Happy Birthday ("and many more"). It was cute.

Well, that's about all I've got for the moment, and it's good timing too, because the fans on my server have just slowed down (that means it's just about ready).

Talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

The only thing that would have made Sunday better, would have been if Lee, Jen and the kids could have been here too.

Jeremy Solomon said...

Don't forget you have the summer off too, Janet. Grumble, grumble, grumble...

Jeremy Solomon said...

I totally agree, Jay!

Jeremy Solomon said...

You're right. Even with summers off, teachers are some of the hardest workers there are -- and, unfortunately, some of the most under appreciated, too.

Jen said...

Well let Jay know that we can be there in blog!!
We have a blog now too!
We miss you guys soo much!!
Here is our blog name thesolomonsgomaritime
see you there!