Friday, December 09, 2005

Jake is the cutest kid ever

Hi folks! Katherine here, posting another guest blog.

I don't know if I'm biased or anything, but I think Jake is the cutest kid in the world. That's my kid, right here. I love him and his facial expressions. Posted by Picasa


Jen said...

He is at least a close third! (it helps that he look s so much like Jared) However There is no Comparison, he is the cutest nephew I could have asked for. Hugs and kisses from Auntie Jenny

Anonymous said...

Jay telling someone how to spell...who'd have thunk it...'BIAS'.

Jeremy Solomon said...

I'm sorry to tell you this, Jen and Lee, but Jake really is the cutest kid in the world. By a long shot.

And I do believe it's biased in the context in which it was used. I have a bias towards my son, and have a biased opinion of him.