Saturday, December 03, 2005

Saturday morning in the By Ward Market

Here is another photo taken last weekend at the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau. Sorry, it's not of Jacob. It's actually the ceiling of one of the bigger open areas of the museum. I was so impressed when I looked up that I had to take a picture. So I did. It might be a bit hard to tell in the photo because there is no reference, but the entire mural is about 50 feet across (or more), and is dome-shaped. It's Much, much, much more impressive in person.

We just got back from the CHUM market media mall in downtown Ottawa. Katherine was on the radio being interviewed by Steve Madely about some fund-raising she's been involved with lately. The interview was brief, but she was fantastic. While Katherine was in the interview, Jacob and I got to rub shoulders with lots of local celebs including: Bob Chiarelli, Domenic Darcy (the singing policeman), John Council, Mike Duffy, Max Keeping, and a whole slew of others that I just can't think of at the moment. John Council (who has one of the baddest mullets in radio) and Domenic Darcy kept Jacob entertained for quite a while showing him their hidden animals in their hands -- John had an invisible duck that quacked, and Domenic had a dog. Jacob (although being very shy) loved it. A definite highlight of the morning for Jacob were the free chocolate cookies. He must have gobbled up two or three in the first five minutes that we were there -- mean old daddy had to tell him that was enough. Oh well, he didn't seem to mind. Just before we arrived at CHUM, we all went for breakfast at Zak's, and then Jacob got a chocolate menorah from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

All that time that we spent downtown this morning makes me want to live downtown again. I loved being close to everything, and experiencing the hussle and bussle (as much hussle and bussle that downtown Ottawa can have on a Saturday morning, at least). Oh well, you never know where we will wind up buying our first home. Maybe downtown, maybe in the burbs. Stay tuned to find out!
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Epiphany Grove said...

That's an amazing picture. Very cool.

I still can't figure out why my dad was playing the Chicken Dance at a party full of middle-aged people. Either way, it's a funny mental image.

Considering you heard it as well, I hope it's not stuck in your head too :-/

Jeremy Solomon said...

You're right -- the burbs are awesome, and I love them (we'll probably wind up living in them, for that matter!). There will always be a place in my heart for downtown. And the country. And the burbs. Geeze, I feel tri-polar this morning!