Monday, November 28, 2005

Bono and a twirp

I'm not sure if you know (or care), but U2 was in Ottawa on Friday. I wanted tickets very badly -- Bono is the one person that Katherine would cheat on me for (she's never said so, but I can guess). Anyways, I waited in line for three hours, and when there only a three people in front of me, the tickets sold out. Meanwhile, a friend of Katherine's mother was bragging to us that she has gone to 47 different U2 conerts, and that she was going to this concert as well -- and bringing her son. Katherine secretly wished that her son got sick with a violent but temporary illness, so she could take his place. Alas fate would not have it, and this boy would end up on stage with Katherine's dream date having a song sung to him. In Katherine's words, she's extremely jealous.

PS: If you look closely, you'l notice that Bonno has a magen david (star of David) on his head-band -- I suppose he's yet another star into the whole Kaballah craze started by Madonna.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I am insanely jealous, and can only hope Bono is reading this blog right now and kicking himself for not doing more than one show in Ottawa.

He will also want to personally invite me to a concert, one in which I will be a guest performer.

But why would I wish a terrible illness on our son? What an aweful thing to say!

But the other thing you said is not that terrible...;)

Jeremy Solomon said...

Good point -- not our son, but Carla's. I just re-read the post, and it isn't that clear, is it? I suppose most people knew what I meant, though :)

Anonymous said...

Um, Jeremy,

I don't think you realize what you've said. The boy pictured with Bono was born with water on the brain and was supposed to have been mentally disabled at this point.

Miraculously enough, he's fine. But only because of early treatment.

Anonymous said...

And if this is a place to see updated pics of me and Jacob, let's get some of me up here too!

Jeremy Solomon said...

Kabballah? Eh, I could go either way about it. I think it's kinda weird having a part of a major religion as a craze, mind you -- just think about it... next year, everyone in Hollywood could be turning eastern orthodox, or zoroastrianist (did I spell that right?), or... who knows. It's a fad.