Sunday, November 20, 2005

Jacob in a mask

Here's a funny picture of Jacob taken at Jason and Christine's house this morning. Jacob is trying on a mask that Christine made in grade 7 art class (that was more than a few years ago, for those of you who don't know Christine. We were visiting Jay and Chris for breakfast; Christine made use some wonderful waffles.

When I looked at the files on Jason's camera, I noticed that there were also photos of the dinner that we had at their house a few weeks ago -- The one that I've uploaded is of Jacob's messy, messy face. He thought it would be funny to stick his tongue out for the camera. He was right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie pie,

Those sure are some nice pics! I love being able to go to your blog and show people our gorgeous son.

I love you!


(Who else?)