Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Camping in the wilderness

Here's a great picture of Jacob running which was taken on the same camping trip that I mentioned in my first post. I don't know a lot about the technicalities of photography (that's Katherine's department), but in my own amateur opinion this picture has all the elements of a great picture. The picture has depth: The trees in the background, the girl on the teeter totter in the semi-background, Jacob (in the foreground of course), and a girl running in extreme foreground. Also, every one of those elements has movement -- except for maybe the trees. I also think it's really cool that the girl running in the extreme foreground is all blurry. And of course, the icing on the cake is the ever-fantastic Jacob (I love the band-aid on his knee). Enjoy! Come back often to see more pictures, more weird links, and more boring musings...

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