Thursday, November 17, 2005

I love candy

Even though I don't, I could eat candy every day! My favourite candy is probably Swedish berries - a classic. I remember when I was younger, Swedish berries only cost a penny a piece -- they were real penny candies. My friends and I would collect as many pennies and nickels as we couldand go down to the corner store. Then we would take about half an hour counting out as many Swedish berries as we could afford (always taking into account the tax). I remember one time, we bought over 500 Swedish berries. That must have taken us a long time to count! Last night I had one of Jacob's Halloween candies -- it was a gummy bear. They're too squishy for my taste, and not nearly sweet enough. My friends and I were probably the only people who bought the Swedish berries at the corner store, and so they were anything but squishy -- they were actually a bit hard. Oddly (or not so oddly) that's the way I still like them today.

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