Friday, November 18, 2005

Getting to know me

Okay, Katherine sent me this and said that I was the least likely to reply. So, to prove here wrong, I'm going to reply, and post my answers here. If you have a few minutes to spare, it would be great if you could post your answers, too! That would be great. Really great.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
5:59. That's what time the alarm is set for. Katherine tried to press snooze, but I didn't let her :)

2. Diamonds or pearls?
Uh, I would probably look funny in either, but if I had to choose, diamonds.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Finding Neverland, I think. It was pretty good.

4. What is your favourite TV show?
The English version of the Office, the American version of The Office, and House. Only, House is on at the same time as The Office, so I usually watch House.

5. What did you have for breakfast?
Large double-double from Tim Horton's and half a bagel.

6. What is your favourite food?
Katherine makes the best Shepherd Pie (also known as Gardener's loaf in some circles)

7. What foods do you dislike?
Anything with meat.

8. What is your favourite CD at the moment?
Does Virgin Radio from iTunes count as a CD? Well, if it does, than that's it!

9. What kind of car do your drive?
A 2003 Kia Magentis (the wanna-be of more luxurious cars)

10. What is you favourite sandwich?
Subway. A 6 inch veggie on Monterey cheddar with everything on it except black olives. Lot's of southwest sauce, and salt a pepper, please.

11. What characteristics do you despise?
Quitting/Giving up.

12. Favourite item of clothing:
My new winter coat from Old Navy. It's a pea-coat.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
Egypt. I would love to visit the pyramids!

14. Ever unwrapped a Starburst with your tongue?
The though of doing this has never crossed my mind until now. the next time I have a Starburst, I may give it a go..

15. How many keys on your key chain?
Seven. I don't know what three of them are for.

16. What did you do yesterday?
Worked, played, slept.

17. Last time you cried?
I got my cheeks wet

18. Is your house clean?
If I had a house it would be messy. Unless I could afford a housecleaner -- then it would be spotless!

19. Favourite time of year?
Right now. I love that it's cold enough to wear a sweater, but not so cold that you have to bundle up. I also love the smell of fire's burning in fireplaces all around the neighbourhood.

20.What color is your bathroom?
It's not mine, but it's greenish/blue.

21. Where would you retire to?
My cottage. That I don't yet have.

22. Favourite time of day?
Early, early morning. Between 3-4 O'clock. The sky is always so clear at that time of the day.

23. What did you do on your last birthday?
I can't remember. Is that bad?

24. Favourite sport?
Speed typing.

25. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
I don't expect anyone to post a comment with their answers, but it would be great if they did!

26. First to send it back?
See my answer to 25.

27. What fabric detergent do you use?
I'm very ashamed to admit this, but I don't do laundry anymore, ever since the terrible incident with the ruined clothing. Katherine does the whole families laundry, now. But I do 90% of the cooking.

28. Coke or Pepsi?
Diet Pepsi, with lots, and lots of ice.

29. Are you a morning person or night owl?
I was a night owl, and now I'm a morning person. Go figure.

30. Do you have any pets?

31. Any new & exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends?
Yes, I have a blog!

32. What book are you reading?
The last book I read was Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. It's been a while since I picked up a new book -- work and family take precedence.

33. Where are your second homes?
Other than where I live, you mean? Perhaps my dream cottage, or, maybe work.

34. Favourite flowers?
I like lilies.

35 Who do you miss most?
All my family and friends. I don't speak to people nearly as often as I wish I could. That's why I started this blog -- as a way of staying in touch.

36. Last place you visited?

37. What are you listening to right now?
The hum of the computers in my office, and someone on the other side of the floor laughing really loudly.

38. What is your next trip or vacation planned??
I'd love to go on one of those free "please buy our time-share" weekends.

39.Favorite thing to do on weekends?
Breakfast with my family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

I actually thought that when I sent you that email that you would put it in your blog instead of sending it back to me.

Love you!

Genevieve, Jake loves chocolate. Anything chocolate. He will be your bff if you give him something to that effect.

I emplore you to not give him ANOTHER stuffed animal. There's no more room on his little bed for him to sleep!
